Plugin Tag: widget
Most Comments
(0 total ratings)Display posts with the most comments, as a widget or on a page using the template tag. Customize the look with specific settings.
Pauls Latest Posts
(0 total ratings)Display latest posts with excerpts and comments in a sidebar widget.
WP Coppermine Plugin
(1 total ratings)A Wordpress plug-in that supplies a widget that displays configurable images from a Coppermine Gallery and pops up larger versions on mouse over.
Basic Funding Tracker
(1 total ratings)Basic Funding Tracker is a simple widget that lets you display the progress toward a fundraising goal on your site. It provides a basic design & l …
TDD Progress Bar
(3 total ratings)Configure and display any number of percent-complete progress bars.
Easy Donation
(3 total ratings)Easily add a donation button to your site using Get paid via PayPal, Dwolla, and Credit Cards.
(0 total ratings)Display a post as a site wide announcement, notice, ad or emergency alert on your website via a marquee or popup window using ShadowBox-JS or ThickBox …
Pro Text Widget
(1 total ratings)Pro Text Widget plugin.You have choice to text widget show only specific Post/category/Page.
Alewb Image Widget
(1 total ratings)This Widget add Image/banner to the Sidebar. The plugin is used as widget that can be placed in a sidebar of the layout.
Simple Adsense
(0 total ratings)Gives you the possiblitity to add your ad-code anywhere. This is a simple plugin compared to those other adsense managers.
NP Forex Commodity Widget
(0 total ratings)Adds commodity prices, exchange rates and fuel rates widget.
Luftdaten Live Widget
(3 total ratings)Luftdaten Live Widget is a Wordpress Widget which helps to show live data from a sensor node registered at
Simple Daily Quotes
(0 total ratings)This minimalistic WordPress plugin displays great hand picked quotes in your blog's sidebar.
Subscribe Google Groups
(1 total ratings)Add widget(s) for subscribing to admin-specified Google Groups
WPHobby WooCommerce Product Filter
(0 total ratings)Add Product Filter on your WooCommerce Website.
Healthy BMI Calculator
(1 total ratings)Adds a shortcode and widget that will display a simple BMI Calculator on your site. Works with both metric and US style measurements.
StatsFC Prediction League
(1 total ratings)This widget will place a prediction league for a competition of your choice on your website.
Frontier Query
(1 total ratings)Display list and grouping of posts in widgets, posts and pages. Breakdown posts by categories, taxonomies, date, post type etc.