Plugin Tag: payments
Xpresspay Gateway
(0 total ratings)The Xpresspay Gateway plugin provides seamless integration with WooCommerce, enabling your store to accept payments via the XpressPay platform securel …
Payment Pro (Direct Payment + Hosted) – PayPal
(1 total ratings)Accept Credit card payments using PayPal directly on your WooCommerce shop, and issue refunds.
(1 total ratings)Embed getSoapy services into your wordpress website. Including payment, customer management and quotes for local service businesses.
TelPos Store Managament
(1 total ratings)TelPos is a plugin that effectively supports your business in managing import and export of goods
UrubutoPay For Woocommerce
(0 total ratings)Accept online payments using UrubutoPay For Woocommerce. This plugin enables you to receive payments from MOMO, AIRTEL MONEY, and CARDS.
Crypto payment checkout by intrXn
(0 total ratings)Crypto payment checkout by intrXn. The best way to accept cryptocurrencies.
Honey Woocommerce Payments
(0 total ratings)Create your own currency for your WooCommerce store, powered by Honey Coinhive mining.
Payment Gateway for Frubipay
(0 total ratings)Extend your WooCommerce store with Frubipay Payment Gateway
Snapplify Payment Gateway
(0 total ratings)Snapplify Payment infrastructure built specifically for the education sector, ensuring easy and secure payment options for schools and parents.
(0 total ratings)Securely accept bank transfers, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and card payments on your website using TrustistPay. From only 0.29% per transaction!
Na splátkyTB
(0 total ratings)Plugin Tatra banka Na splátky Vám umožní zobraziť možnosti nákupu na splátky formou ďalšej platobnej metódy vo Vašom WooCommerce e-shope.
Deema Payment Gateway
(0 total ratings)A payment gateway integration between WooCommerce and Deema Payments.
Website Trial Version
(0 total ratings)Small and simple plugin that allows you to set a trial period for your website.
Bransfer Payment Gateway
(0 total ratings)BRANSFER PAYMENT GATEWAY PLUGIN FOR WOOCOMMERCE KEY FEATURES Accept cryptocurrency payments from your customers, such as BTC, ETH, XRP, and others …
(0 total ratings)Cryptocurrency payment gateway for WooCommerce and BucksBus. Accept coins: Bitcoin, Ethereum, TRX and more.
Payment Gateway Remise for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds the functionality to take Remise payments on your store of WooCommerce.
(0 total ratings)Accept online payments using UrubutoPay Plugin. This plugin enables you to receive payments from MOMO, AIRTEL MONEY, and CARDS.
Cryptocurrency Payment Withdrawal Method for Dokan by CryptoPay
(0 total ratings)Cryptocurrency Payment Withdrawal Method for Dokan, Cryptocurrency payments for WooCommerce, Bitcoin payments, Crypto payments, USDT, BTC, ETH, SOL