Plugin Tag: google
Material Design for WordPress
(8 total ratings)The official Material Design plugin for WordPress. Customize your site’s navigation, colors, typography, and shapes, use Material Components, and choo …
ACF: Advanced Taxonomy Selector
(0 total ratings)A field for Advanced Custom Fields which allows you to create a field where users can select terms or taxonommies flexibly.
Bot Block – Stop Spam Referrals in Google Analytics
(17 total ratings)Block spam referrals showing in Google Analytics and save bandwidth. Central database of sites, ability to add custom URL's and stats.
JSON-LD Breadcrumbs
(2 total ratings)Adds JSON-LD based breadcrumb schema to your site visible only to the Search Engines such as Google.
Smart Keywords Tool – 智能关键词插件
(1 total ratings)智能关键词插件(Smart Keywords Tool)是一款集即时关键词推荐、关键词选词工具、文章智能标签及关键词库功能于一体的WordPress网站SEO优化插件。
Analytics Head
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds tracking code for Google Analytics to your WordPress <head> section, so you can authorize your site in Google Webmaster Tools.
(8 total ratings)Connect user accounts with significant web services like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Stand on the shoulders of giants!
Mass Ping Tool for SEO – WordPress ping list to get indexed faster on Google, Yandex, …
(1 total ratings)Mass ping tool for SEO plugin is one of the fastest ways to get indexed by Google. After pinging, Google bots, crawlers will visit your website and in …
APG Google Image Sitemap Feed
(5 total ratings)Genera dinámicamente el archivo sitemap-image.xml, un mapa de sitio de imágenes para Google. No requiere ningún tipo de configuración.
AH Google Analytics Code
(5 total ratings)With this plugin you can add the Google Analytics Code in no time to the header or footer of your theme.
APG Google Video Sitemap Feed
(9 total ratings)Genera dinámicamente el archivo sitemap-video.xml, un mapa de sitio de vídeos para Google. No requiere ningún tipo de configuración.
Add Google re captcha in WordPress Forms
(0 total ratings)Added Google re-CAPTCHA in Wordpress in any form like comment form, login form, forgot password form, woocommerce form etc.
Meta Description
(3 total ratings)Adds a meta box to the edit posts/pages admin area for inputing an HTML meta description.
Super Cool Ad Inserter Plugin
(0 total ratings)This plugin enables the insertion of widget areas in your post's content via programmatic insertion at display time, via a shortcode, or via bloc …
reCAPTCHA Jetpack
(8 total ratings)A simple plugin that adds a Google reCAPTCHA to the Jetpack contact form. Requires the Jetpack plugin.
LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics
(15 total ratings)Social media share and bookmark buttons with integrated analytics. Automatically display buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered.
Google SEO Pressor for Rich snippets
(11 total ratings)Enrich your WordPress website content with Google Structured Data and make it more SEO friendly.