

WordPress 3.6 “Oscar”

WordPress 3.6 “Oscar”

The latest and greatest WordPress, version 3.6, is now live to the world and includes a beautiful new blog-centric theme, bullet-proof autosave and post locking, a revamped revision browser, native support for audio and video embeds, and improved integrations with Spotify, Rdio, and SoundCloud. Here’s a video that shows off some of the features using our cast of professional actors:

Introducing WordPress 3.6 "Oscar"

We’re calling this release “Oscar” in honor of the great jazz pianist Oscar Peterson. Here’s a bit more about some of the new features, which you can also find on the about page in your dashboard after you upgrade.

User Features

  • The new Twenty Thirteen theme inspired by modern art puts focus on your content with a colorful, single-column design made for media-rich blogging.
  • Revamped Revisions save every change and the new interface allows you to scroll easily through changes to see line-by-line who changed what and when.
  • Post Locking and Augmented Autosave will especially be a boon to sites where more than a single author is working on a post. Each author now has their own autosave stream, which stores things locally as well as on the server (so much harder to lose something) and there’s an interface for taking over editing of a post, as demonstrated beautifully by our bearded buddies in the video above.
  • Built-in HTML5 media player for native audio and video embeds with no reliance on external services.
  • The Menu Editor is now much easier to understand and use.

Developer features

  • A new audio/video API gives you access to metadata like ID3 tags.
  • You can now choose HTML5 markup for things like comment and search forms, and comment lists.
  • Better filters for how revisions work, so you can store a different amount of history for different post types.
  • Tons more listed on the Codex, and of course you can always browse the over 700 closed tickets.

The Band

This release was led by Mark Jaquith and Aaron Campbell, and included contributions from the following fine folks. Pull up some Oscar Peterson on your music service of choice, or vinyl if you have it, and check out some of their profiles:

Aaron BrazellAaron D. CampbellAaron HolbrookAaron JorbinAdam HarleyadamsilversteinAK TedAlex Concha,Alex KingAlex Mills (Viper007Bond)Amaury BalmerAmy Hendrix (sabreuse)Anatol BroderAndrew NacinAndrew OzzAndrew RynoAndy SkeltonAntonioapimlottawellis13BarryBeau LebensBelloSwanbilalcoderBilly (bananastalktome)bobbingwideBob GregorbradparbsBrady VercherBrandon KraftBrian LaymanBrian Zeligson,Bryan PettyCallum MacdonaldCarl DanleyCaspieCharleston Software AssociatescheeserollsChip Bennett,Chris OlbeksonChristopher CochranChristopher FinkeChris WallaceCor van NoorlooscrazycodersDaniel BachhuberDaniel Dvorkin (MZAWeb)Daniel Jalkut (Red Sweater)daniloercoliDanny de HaanDave RossDavid FavorDavid TrowerDavid WilliamsonDion HulsedllhDominik Schilling (ocean90)dovypDrew Jaynes (DrewAPicture)dvargaEdward CaissieelfinEmpireoflightEric Andrew LewisErick HitterEric MannEvan SolomonfaishalfeedmeastraycatFrank KleinFranz Josef KaiserFStopGabriel KoenGary CaoGary Jones,gcorneGeertDDGennady KovsheninGeorge StephanisgishGregory KarpinskyhakrehbankenhebbetHelen Hou-SandihelgathevikinghirozedhurtigehypertextranchIan DunnIpstenu (Mika Epstein)jakubJames Michael DuPontjbutkusJeremy FeltJerry Bates (JerrySarcastic)Jesper Johansen (Jayjdk)Joe HoyleJoen Asmussen,Joey KudishJohn Blackbourn (johnbillion)John James JacobyJonas Bolinder (jond3r)Jonathan DesrosiersJon BishopJon CaveJose CastanedaJoseph ScottJosh VisickjrbeilkejrfJustin de VesineJustin Sainton,kadamwhiteKailey (trepmal)karmatosedKelly DwankeoshiKonstantin KovsheninKonstantin Obenlandktdreyer,Kurt PaynekwightLance WillettLee Willis (leewillis77)lessbloatMantas MalciusMaor ChasenMarcel BrinkkemperMarcusPopeMark-kMark JaquithMark McWilliamsMarko HeijnenMatt BanksMatthew Boynes,MatthewRuddyMatt WiebeMax CutlerMel Choycemgibbs189MichaelMichael Adams (mdawaffe)Michael BeckwithMichael FieldsMike HansenMike SchroderMilan Dinicmitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)Mohammad JangdanajamelanNaoko TakanoNashwan DoaqanNiall KennedyNick DaughertyNick Halseyninnypants,norcrossParadisePorridgePaulPaul ClarkpavelevapPete MallPeter WestwoodPhill BrownPippin Williamson,PollettPrasath NadarajahprogramminrachelbakerRami YushuvaevredpixelstudiosreidburkeretlehsReuben GundayrlerdorfRodrigo Primoroulandfrovo89Ryan DuffRyan HellyerRyan McCueSafirul Alredhasara cannon,scholesmafiaScott Kingsley ClarkScott ReillyScott TaylorscribuSeisuke Kuraishi (tenpura)SergejSergey BiryukovSimon HampelSimon WheatleySiobhansirzooroslenesolarissmokeSriniGStephen Harris,storkontheroofSunny Ratilalsweetie089TarTaylor LovettThomas van der BeekTim CarrtjsingletonTobiasBg,toschoTracy RottonTravisHoffmanuuf6429Vitor CarvalhowojtekwpewillWraithKennywycksXavier Borderie,Yoav FarhiZachary BrownZack Tollmanzekeweeksziegenberg, and viniciusmassuchetto.

Time to upgrade!

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